#LatihanBareng merupakan forum berbagi berbagai pengalaman latihan di Kalanari. Forum ini terbuka bagi siapa saja, dengan latar belakang apa pun. Para peserta datang dari berbagai profesi, seperti penerjemah, office boy, waitress, aktor, penari serta mahasiswa berbagai jurusan. #LatihanBareng tidak bertujuan melatih para peserta untuk menjadi aktor atau performer, melainkan mencoba berbagi metode penyikapan dan cara pandang terhadap realitas gerak dan suara tubuh. Diharapkan metode latihan ini memberikan imbas terhadap laku tubuh sehari-hari. #LatihanBareng dikaitkan dengan eksperimen Kalanari, Tubuh Lamis.
#LatihanBareng (means: training together) is a sharing forum of some Kalanari’s training experiences. It’s an open forum, everyone from any backgrounds can join. The participants were come from any profession, such as translator, office boy, waitress, actor, dancer and student from any disciplines. #LatihanBareng has no purpose to train the participants to become actors or performers. It’s just for sharing some methods of attitude and perspective for the reality body movements and voices. Hopefully, the methods give impact to the daily body’s behavior. #LatihanBareng was connected with Kalanari’s other programme, called Tubuh Lamis.
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